Bay Ave. and Mission St.

Cingular (SF-740)

36° 58.00´N, 122° 02.32´W, (NAD27), 46 ft. altitude by GPS

On the South East corner of Bay and Mission (1521 Mission St.), Santa Cruz.

Antenna appears to be 360°, 3 sector.
Tower height above ground ???

The site

The picture taken in Sylvan Music's parking lot. The alley in this picture is between Sylvan Music and Kim's Salon. You are looking toward Bay Ave.

Antenna Closeup

A close-up of the antenna. Is this an ??? Contact richpatak if you know the answer. The number of cables indicates it isn't.

Equipment Cabinets

Close-up of the equipment cabinets. Note 2 cabinets on right, one on the left.