5/10 2014.03.20 22:27:12 discone

CM Icom AH7000 (Diamond D-130) Discone Antenna (without top element) NEC model by Carol F. Milazzo, KP4MD
CM http://www.qsl.net/kp4md/modeling.htm
SY hgh=120	'Input feed point height (in.)
SY dsc=11.5	'Input disc radial length (in.)
SY rdl=34	'Input cone radial length (in.)
SY s=1	'Input segment length (in.)
SY sn=2	'Input # of segments in source wire  (in.)
SY rad=0.1	'Input radial element radius (in.)
SY sp=8	'Input number of spokes
SY ang=34	'Input cone angle [0°=down 90°=horizontal]
SY f=222	'Input design frequency (MHz)
SY seg=int(dsc/s+0.5)	'Calculate number of segments in disc radial
SY segr=int(rdl/s+0.5)	'Calculate number of segments in cone radial
SY rdlx=rdl*sin(ang)	'Calculate x coordinate of cone radial end
SY rdlz=-rdl*cos(ang)	'Calculate z coordinate of cone radial end
GW	1	sn	0	0	0	0	0	s*sn	rad	'Feed point segment
GW	2	seg	0	0	s*sn	0	dsc	s*sn	rad	'Disc wire
GW	3	segr	0	rdlx	rdlz	0	0	0	rad	'Cone wire
GM	1	sp-1	0	0	360/sp	0	0	0	2	'Rotate 360 degrees
GM	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	hgh	1	'Raise antenna to height
GS	0	0	0.0254
GE	1
LD	5	0	0	0	1390000
GN	2	0	0	0	4	0.01
EX	0	1	sn	0	1	0	0
FR	0	0	0	0	f	0

jAlbum 11